Teacher resources for grade 6-8 educators

STEM Modules

Our STEM modules for Grades 6 to 8 are designed to spark curiosity and creativity in students. They explore how science and technology can help solve real-world problems related to food, climate, coding, and innovation. They also develop students' STEM skills and connections across different subjects and disciplines.

  • Grade 6

    In this challenge, students explore circuits by designing a LED card. But not any LED card. The module combines technology and art, but also encourages students to challenge the status quo around whose identities and cultures are featured in mainstream cards. This lesson focuses on developing engineering design and critical thinking.

    Topic: Circuits

    Grade: 6

    Strand: Matter and Energy

  • Grade 6

    How would you make a drone drop a package without breaking it? That's the question students will answer in this inquiry-based challenge. Students use engineering design skills and scientific experimentation to design an egg drop carrier that can protect the package from damage. Students explore forces related to flight, and compete in a challenge to create the best design to safely deliver an egg.

    Topic: Flight

    Grade: 6

    Strand: Structures and Mechanisms

  • In this design challenge students will learn about the boundaries of physical states of matter while making ice cream. But this was no ordinary cooking contest. The desserts need to be more than just tasty; they have to make a difference! They will use engineering design to create a dessert that could address a big problem in their community: such as making healthy treats to fight obesity or creating sustainable packaging to protect our planet.

    Topic: Pure Substances and Mixtures

    Grade: 7

    Strand: Matter and Energy

  • Grade 7

    Energize your curriculum with the "Friendlier Fuels" challenge, a STEM-based inquiry that guides students through the process of creating ethanol biofuel from yeast. Students explore the mysteries of fermentation, applying their scientific know-how to discover the most efficient pathways to sustainable fuel alternatives.

    Topic: Interactions in the Environment

    Grade: 7

    Strand: Life Systems

  • Grade 8

    The "Viral Stories:Code to Educate" challenge, where students use Scratch to create impactful digital stories on virus spread and health awareness. This challenge combines coding, storytelling, and scientific inquiry to empower students to become digital health ambassadors. In this module, they’ll not only enhance their technical skills but also play a crucial role in spreading vital health information among peers.

    Topic: Coding

    Grade: 8

    Strand: STEM Skills and Connections


These resources were funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

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